Thursday 10 March 2011

Priorities ! :)

Priority means something that must be considered.
Priority changes according to age of the person..At one point what he wants can't not be last long as his priority.
I respect my priorities..but most of the times I failed.
Whenever I think to do..some irrelevant,unavoidable things mean such things are not actually unavoidable but at that point of time my priority is gonna shift suddenly..for my personal satisfaction I added such sudden shifts under the title of ''FOR A CHANGE'' :)
So..some irrelevant,unavoidable, interesting, pleasant things come across my like every human's mentality...curiosity center starts working up..
starts asking many questions..
what if I go on this path..what would be the end results..??
what if I do something unusual..??
what if I keep my eyes closed from the reality...???
Most of the time I'm actually aware of the results..though expecting some miracles to happen..:)
n in simple words making me fool all the time. It's really not joyful but in search of such I must say''mysterious things ''the way I go really exciting..pleasant..tempting..
I can't resist my self...even nobody can ! feel an urge to ride on that way..keep on thinking.. keep on looking for miracles..Very high expectations ! 
where I know, can not be possible. 
Thought it's good to ride on chosen the end..we found nobody to blame..except the one..''you''..n Here you can't blame your self..can you? Obviously, that's not too possible..:)
At this point I actually regreting inside...but as usual human's mentality..''I CAN'T BE WRONG..
We start finding excuses..start thinking how to convince ppl that I was not wrong..circumstances were wrong..the timing was wrong..May be my misdeeds came across my way..:)
i.e. Thomas edison when he was not able to generate electricity after trying his all possible ways.
In one of the conference ppl were laughing on him..He came on satge n said..
Though i 'vent found correct way to generate electricity..but I've found thousands of way by which you can not generate the electricity...Heights of positivity!!! 
n actually ppl get numb at that point of time...They might have been laughing on him later on..:)
But thing is edison made their mouth shuttt..
I ,we all have the same mentality..Hey Don't pretend that you'r edison..:P 
he was a great scientist.
m only highlighting the common human behavior..when he fails..
Start making possible ''acceptable''' excuses.. But,we never accept where we were wrong.
It was just n excuse when I said 'sudden shifts,exciting,interesting,tempting,unavoidable things..n alll...
We just keep on....thinking..keep on making others n most of the time to ourselves.
Emotional factors like.. boredom, daydreaming, stress, guilt, anger and frustration..Do play important role in sudden shift of priorities.

But, In general...

We use to experiment..

We use to escape..

We use to fed up..

We use to lie..

We use to forget our priorities..

        ''PRIORITY '' 

Something that must be considered.


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